The assailants are known as "violence professionals". They humiliate and mock, physically and psychologically, inculcating the guilt of what happens in the victim itself. Under the influence of an ailing attachment, a woman does not sound the alarm in time, exposing herself and her children, sometimes, to deadly danger.
The first signs of dating violence:
Lies always and in everything.
Criticism and devaluation, weakening of self-esteem.
Inappropriate outbursts of anger.
Pathological jealousy.
Full control which violates limits.
This is just a partial list of signs that it's time to run. And if you only notice some of them, you should be seriously alert and ask for help without losing time. After all, over time, the attitude of the abuser towards you will not improve but will only worsen. Therefore, it is better to take care of yourself and your children today!
In case of doubt, do not hesitate to contact us right away at the ISIDA Charitable Foundation. We'll give you, our help. Remember, we are always here for you.

e-mail: contact@isida.fr
tel: +336 79-97-46-75
18 Boulevard Victor HUGO
Nice, 06000, France